2017-01-27 - Yo
2005-11-29 - blogspot
2005-04-22 - Leaving
2005-04-12 - yah
2005-03-29 - On blah
2005-03-15 - Root problems
2005-03-14 - New Job?
2005-02-19 - On US.
2005-01-19 - On Monday's Radio Interview
2005-01-19 - On Monday's Radio Interview
2005-01-17 - On Intebiu
2005-01-13 - On Interrupted Work.
2005-01-12 - On things.
2004-12-30 - On Tsunami
2004-12-20 - On this.
2004-11-26 - On Today
2004-11-05 - On Snatch Theft
2004-11-04 - On US' Election
2004-10-26 - On Things
2004-10-04 - on work. again. gettaway. train wrecks.
2004-09-27 - On Another Gig
2004-09-20 - Hm
2004-09-17 - On Consequences
2004-09-08 - On Travel
2004-09-08 - On Travel
2004-09-03 - On AyPot and Some'n some'n
2004-08-25 - On Kid A
2004-08-24 - On CT
2004-08-09 - On Sumthing sumthin sum'in
2004-08-04 - On Apple
2004-08-02 - Need help
2004-07-29 - On Stuffs
2004-07-09 - On A Conversation
2004-07-08 - On Stuffs
2004-07-08 - On Stuffs
2004-07-01 - On I-Pod or i-River
2004-06-29 - On Gettin Extra Buckers
2004-06-25 - On happiness
2004-06-24 - On Monotony
2004-06-04 - On Super Trailers
2004-05-27 - On Switching
2004-05-14 - On Stupidity
2004-05-07 - On Iraq and a little about last weekend.
2004-05-07 - On Iraq and a little about last weekend.
2004-04-20 - On Bad Days
2004-04-15 - On Bush Between Legs
2004-04-14 - On Beatallica
2004-04-13 - On Kluk2
2004-04-05 - On last week.
2004-03-25 - green hills blue skies.
2004-03-23 - On election results
2004-03-19 - On walking dead
2004-03-17 - On getting a new job
2004-03-15 - On elections II
2004-03-12 - On work and stuff
2004-03-10 - on yesterday evening
2004-03-09 - On Trying to forgive. Or not to.
2004-03-04 - On the parliament
2004-03-01 - Congratulations!
2004-02-26 - On Mars Rovers
2004-02-25 - Version 2.0 soft launch
2004-02-12 - rotk
2004-02-06 - back
2003-12-29 - Quitting. Maybe for the time being.
2003-12-18 - My Friends. You bow to no one.
2003-12-11 - Here we go. LoTR : RoTK.
2003-12-10 - David Blaine stumps me.
2003-12-04 - Fengh wishes to represent himself.
2003-12-02 - The realization that a buses or lorries are not cars with airbags, ABS, EBD, all-whels disc-brakes, Safety Electronics and such.
2003-11-20 - Esok hari raya, esok hari raya...
2003-11-18 - -
2003-11-17 - Fasting too fast?
2003-11-14 - Ntahlah.
2003-11-12 - Shmemocracy
2003-11-03 - pilihan bersama minggu ini...
2003-10-30 - Thanks.
2003-10-27 - Ramadhan.
2003-10-23 - Who won?
2003-10-21 - Lucky bastards Club.
2003-10-17 - M(ala)y Dilemma
2003-10-08 - Gearing up, I see...
2003-10-01 - Plain vanilla view
2003-09-29 - Nothing kills me like her.
2003-09-26 - Dance hall days...
2003-09-24 - Oh WHY!!!
2003-09-23 - Another lrt story
2003-09-22 - Shut up and enjoy the damn show.
2003-09-19 - A Letter
2003-09-18 - Fuck Job.
2003-09-17 - FUBAR, yuhuh...
2003-09-11 - Giving it a bitter taste.
2003-08-29 - Independence?
2003-08-27 - Grave of the Fireflies (1988). Directed by Isao Takahata, personal review.
2003-08-25 - Unfortunately, I lost my earplugs...
2003-08-22 - Sucky band no good for people.
2003-08-07 - Whisper of the Heart
2003-07-15 - Insya-Allah...
2003-07-01 - there there
2003-06-25 - fishing
2003-06-18 - Al-Fatihah, Atan.
2003-06-17 - Damn car...
2003-06-05 - Kids these days
2003-05-27 - Blah vol. 2
2003-05-26 - Radiohead - Hail to the Thief (early/unmixed/leaked version) personal review
2003-05-21 - Choosing your consequences
2003-05-16 - Opening up a can of worms
2003-05-13 - KL
2003-05-06 - I'll be coming home next year.
2003-04-23 - Live Lacan!!!
2003-04-22 - Grumble grumble grumble
2003-04-14 - Ignoramus Maximus
2003-04-11 - The cover of a literary product.
2003-04-07 - Fuck off.
2003-04-04 - People
2003-04-03 - Lady Luck hates me.
2003-03-31 - Blah
2003-03-26 - Escapism
2003-03-24 - War on War
2003-03-18 - -
2003-03-17 - My entry. My opinion. MINE.
2003-03-11 - I hate Protons
2003-03-07 - Post-apocalyptic post
2003-02-25 - This is not a goodbye. This is a temporary retreat. We'll meet again fellow comrades...
2003-02-20 - War On War
2003-02-17 - Moosik Part Deux
2003-02-14 - Could have, should have...
2003-02-11 - Mule Man
2002-01-31 - Against war, part deux.
2003-01-20 - Against war
2003-01-17 - Fuck off
2002-01-15 - Pointless.
2002-01-14 - Just wondering why...
2002-01-10 - List - Albums - 2002
2002-01-09 - Fucked Up Nation
2002-01-07 - LOTR:TTT part something something
2002-01-06 - A Fucked Up Saturday.
2002-12-31 - pinuyea
2002-12-23 - LOTR: TTT Personal review/opinion
2002-12-18 - LOTR : TTT 3 (A "Fuck U" to GSC Mid Valley Edition)
2002-12-17 - LOTR:TTT 2
2002-12-11 - In the end, we're all stupid, ignorant, arrogant, foolish and selfish. Fuck war. Fuck war. Fuck war. Fuck war. And Fuck war.
2002-12-03 - Raya #1
2002-11-26 - 27
2002-11-25 - LoTR : TTT
2002-11-22 - Fengh menggatal lagi...
2002-11-21 - Tragedy again.
2002-11-20 - Stuffed like a Turkey
2002-11-19 - Thanks
2002-11-18 - Spirited away again???
2002-11-13 - ......
2002-11-11 - I'm sorry.
2002-11-08 - I love the smell of cooking in the wee hours of mornings...
2002-11-06 - Selamat Berpuasa!
2002-11-05 - GSC - Spirited Away - Mid-Valley - 11.50pm - 3/11/2002
2002-10-30 - To: Renek & Lina, Jept & Fiancee, Mulon & Adi, Halda & Ija, Aimi & Sha, Chot & Win, Jimbit, Sam, Ajeep...
2002-10-23 - ....
2002-10-22 - Male hormones acting up again... for the worse, naturally...
2002-10-21 - Blah blah blah blah
2002-10-16 - did not double check... hafta go... pardon me for my grammatical mistakes
2002-10-11 - Girls, Girls, Girls
2002-10-10 - trouble
2002-10-09 - Eating is good. Not eating is not good.
2002-10-08 - hbmbw
2002-10-03 - fridom
2002-10-01 - tooot tooooot
2002-09-24 - For entry's sake.
2002-09-18 - My Streak
2002-09-13 - no time
2002-09-09 - Ignorance is not a bliss.
2002-09-09 - The only thing that I am good at is complainin' complainin' complainin'
2002-09-04 - A Rush Of Blood To The Head
2002-09-02 - Read if you wanna. It's long.
2002-08-30 - Are you free?
2002-08-29 - Not again??!!
2002-08-28 - For the love of god... please stop talking!!!
2002-08-27 - That tragedy
2002-08-21 - Bobby ThunderJolt.
2002-08-15 - The pursuit of happiness. Pt 1.
2002-08-12 - LOTR V
2002-08-09 - Perversion of science.
2002-08-06 - Political talk. Do not read if you're a supporter of any party.
2002-08-05 - blankilicious
2002-07-29 - Back again
2002-07-29 - excuses
2002-07-11 - So no one told you life was gonna be this way
2002-07-05 - Whaddahell...
2002-07-05 - This is going to be cheesy. This is going to be corny. You have been forewarned.
2002-07-03 - Another entry.
2002-06-20 - Stability Shmability part deux
2002-06-11 - eggs and ham
2002-06-10 - Jinx Man
2002-06-07 - World Cup Update.
2002-06-05 - "Whatcha talking 'bout?"," Footeball."." Whatcha talkin 'bout?","Shoppin'"
2002-06-03 - Oh, the same ol' same ol' work dilemma shit again...
2002-05-28 - anotheronebitesthedusteehhh
2002-05-22 - Do the wwaaavvvveeee....
2002-05-20 - Star Whores. Updated 4:18pm.
2002-05-20 - Star Whores
2002-05-16 - No wonder Jedis are extinct. They are so boring... They can't be angry... they can't love....
2002-05-14 - I'll be coming home next year
2002-05-13 - Hi, I'm bored. Who are you?
2002-05-10 - Stuhbilitih
2002-05-06 - Cekap, Bersih, Betul. Or is it Bersih, Betul, Cekap? Whatevah.
2002-05-02 - Polisman
2002-04-08 - Bye fer now
- Do not visit for the next 4 weeks...
2002-04-03 - FFX
2002-03-27 - FAIRie tales
2002-03-26 - Cryptophyllic
2002-03-18 - Losing our religion.
2002-03-12 - I Love Tubes
2002-03-08 - Lost lynx
2002-03-06 - Got some change?
2002-02-28 - tua berjanggut nak mampus
2002-02-27 - Musical Entity creates Emotional Density.
2002-02-25 - In the words of Grymlock (the keyboard dude -- www.malscene.net) - FUKENGRUVEN!!!
2002-02-21 - Cats in the cradle
2002-02-18 - Buskedfookinboll
2002-02-15 - Imaneffigyofparity
2002-02-14 - Wakie
2002-02-08 - shutupandplayyerguitar
2002-02-06 - bla bla black sheep, blablablabla bla
2002-02-05 - GEEK ALERT!
2002-02-04 - Escapism
2002-01-31 - The first word was...
2002-01-28 - Chick check check chick
2002-01-22 - Plane Jane McBane Rain Vain Sane Lane Plane Something. Or Soemthing.
2002-01-21 - have i the need to explain? Guess I do.
2002-01-14 - shhhhhhh
2002-01-08 - Familiarize yourselves with the right and comfortable grip, and your swing will be PERRRFECTO!
2002-01-07 - 'Ere comes the groom with a broom from a room with a boom with whom?
2001-12-29 - Of Opportunity Costs and How to Save 'em
2001-12-27 - Bumbling lost rhymes in hazy state of mind will produce this type of entry which is utter nonsense and a nuisance
2001-12-24 - LoTR IV
2001-12-22 - LoTR III
2001-12-21 - LoTR II
2001-12-20 - LoTR
2001-12-18 - The longer the better
2001-12-14 - Eid-Mubaraq
2001-12-09 - C me. Feel me. Guess me.
2001-12-06 - Seeping
2001-12-03 - The moment of becoming
2001-12-01 - Don't read this. You'll be bored. Really. Well, I warned ya.
2001-11-30 - Let go.
2001-11-29 - flying in a dream of bubbles
2001-11-28 - weird shit
2001-11-27 - Post Bday Hangover
2001-11-26 - twenty six
2001-11-23 - People's Court with Judge Fengh and Judge Judy... or rather Judge Sam
2001-11-22 - work for life
2001-11-21 - ...go gently into the night....
2001-11-19 - Of wonderful pimples and driving home hormones
2001-11-18 - A third first.
2001-11-16 - waterfalls
2001-11-16 - A.P.B.T.A.
2001-11-15 - Certainly, madam.
2001-11-13 - Ship's leaving. All abored!!....
2001-11-12 - love2hate.hate2love.
2001-11-10 - Mellon Collie and the Infinite Sadness
2001-11-10 - Green green grass by the river
2001-11-09 - A barbeque is not what it seems. It's a whole cultural movement!!
2001-11-09 - continued.. from 011109_89.html
2001-11-06 - The Complexity of it all.
2001-11-06 - School Daze. Fool Blaze.
2001-11-03 - Pairs.
2001-11-02 - Procrastination King
2001-11-01 - jammed and rammed
2001-11-01 - I have to remember people's faces!
2001-10-30 - Decision restrictions
2001-10-27 - Saturday Blues and Oranges
2001-10-26 - It's here again...that wretched feeling of yesteryear yearnings
2001-10-24 - Bentley sucks....
2001-10-12 - Interview disaster...
2001-10-05 - long time since
2001-08-17 - accidental accidents
2001-08-15 - Yesterdays keep showing up at Tomorrow's door